
Rise of Shadows

The first expansion I was on the team for. I joined extremely late in the process and was only responsible for live issue bug-fixing. It was a good learning experience and I was able to find and fix two critical client crashes in my first few weeks on the team!

Rise of Shadows: The Dalaran Heist

The development of the solo content for the Rise of Shadows expansion was almost done when I joined the team. Again, I only handled general bug fixes to the client during this time. I fixed ~40 bugs within the month long my ramp up period on the team.

Saviors of Uldum

The second expansion I was on the team for, I handled setting up basic reward quests for some of the live content. Additionally, I got my feet wet with live data to set up Tavern Brawls, Arena Seasons, and Ranked Rewards. This was a good introduction to the vast amount of static data that the team uses to define the majority of the game. This period of time proved to be immensely helpful in understanding the core code systems that my team touches.

Saviors of Uldum: Tombs of Terror

Following the release of Saviors of Uldum was the solo content for the expansion. Again, during this time I mainly handled event rewards, seasonal static data, and general bug fixing. During this time I was assigned my first large project that did not release until the next patch which released a month later: 1k win hero portraits! I was so happy to give our veteran players a reward for sticking by the game for so long -- and they look so cool!

Descent of Dragons

The third expansion on the team. Hearthstone's schedule is intense, I've only been here for a little over 6 months and things have been heating up! For this expansion I was entrusted with adding the expansion login bonuses, including expanding the quest reward system to use chests for display; specifically used for Galakrond rewards. I also implemented the new daily quest re-roll logic that makes it so you cannot roll a "difficult" quest into another "difficult" quest.

Also during this time I was given my second major project and have been working on that since...

Ashes of Outland

In the fourth expansion of my tenure, my biggest feature finally launched! I was the features engineer responsible for adding a whole new class to Hearthstone! Adding the Demon Hunter was no small feat -- the entire game was built around 9 classes. A lot of screens and systems were not meant to house more than the original 9 classes. Notably, hero selection across all game modes had to be updated. I expanded the old static systems to a dynamic version that can support a range of classes (since we'd need to support 9 and 10). This was expanded on for the solo experiences, where there are 4-5 heroes. The new layout supports these amounts instead of having "missing" slots.

While adding the 10th class was the meat of my work for this expansion, I also did a few tertiary tasks. Updating the quest log in particular I am proud of, because I was able to interject some progression for the player. It was something I could do with already created assets, so it was a nice win for the players. Since Ashes of Outland was going to be a huge moment for the game, the team wanted to reward people who start or came back to the game with a free competitive deck -- I implemented the logic for handing that out as well as laying the groundwork for this to be a continuing system for the game's lifetime.

Scholomance Academy


Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

Battlegrounds Parties, Unlimited Deck Slots

Forged in the Barrens

More Duels, Knowledge Transfer