
Here's a small clip of the game I made overnight. It's a "match-3" game but instead of matching 3 of the same type, you must match 3 in order to make new element! I loved those mobile games where you try tons of combinations to make more, so called "Alchemy" games.

The name comes from FMA:B, of course! I thought it made a lot of sense, since this game is a memory puzzle....and more!

I added the ability to fulfill request and get new ones. Also added a green glow behind the current transmutation.

Also, I made it so that requests are more than oceans, hah!

Added some more feedback on the transmutation process. It will turn RED if it is not valid, and GREEN if it is a valid one!

More work done on the combination logic. Mainly, this change brings score into the game. Getting really close to a MVP.

I posted on reddit and found someone to make some art. Looking way better just slotting it in real fast!

Experimenting with what information to show the player. The idea is that they might want to play differently if they knew what is coming next. There's also an issue of forgetting how things are made, even if you *just* made it. So it's important to spell out the recipe as well.

The reddit guy sent me new art assets. Art iterates too. Looking even better!

Spelling out the recipes proved to be way too important to not give it its own space. This update adds buttons for menu and recipe book. The recipe list will show you how to make all the things!

Added more screens! It's important to give credit to those who work on a project. There's also some cobbled together main menu art (yay programmer art).

The infinite mode and level mode are separate now! Huzzah! Started the framework to define what a level is -- right now it's ALL data, so that's pretty cool. I'll have to expand the UI to make it grow depending on the dataset, but for now this is a good start. Basic progression is in as well, so you have to finish a level prior to continue.

George started to help me with the feel of the game. Thank you for introducing me to such an easy to use Tween library! Even small things (3-5 lines of code) make a huge difference.

Newer art introduced in this one, the reddit guy really came through. This is a really pretty game! Also started working on the UI in preparation for the power ups. This also has a ton more elements (and thus levels)!

Powerups are introduced into the game. One will shuffle the board, one will give you a hint to something you've never discovered, and one will change up your goals. Added more tweens wherever possible to make the game feel a little better here and there.

Added optional ads. They are the only way to refill your power-ups! Muahahaha! Also intregrated a bunch of SFX. Huzzah! Find it for FREE on the appstore!